The Azerbaijan Classic Cars Collection Received a Prestigious Award
At the General Assembly meeting and Prize Giving Ceremony of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) held in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, the “Classic Cars Exhibition” of the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation (AAF) was announced as the inaugur...
Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2024
Baku hosted the Opening Ceremony and Awarding Ceremony of Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix.
Classic Cars Parade and Exhibition
On 25 August, a classic car parade and exhibition took place in Baku, organized by Azerbaijan Automobile Federation (AAF)
Baku became a memorable host of the magnificent FIA Prize Giving Ceremony
The Prize Giving Ceremony of the International Automobile Federation (FIA), which was held for the first time in Baku and is one of the most anticipated events in the field of sports, was memorable with its magnificence!
Famous performers will lead the stage at the Baku Prize Giving show
On December 8, for the first time in Baku, the artistic program of the FIA Prize Giving ceremony will bring maginificent moments to guests and broadcast viewers.
Baku Prepares to Host the Meetings of the FIA General Assemblies and Prize-Giving Ceremony
Baku is preparing to host the meetings of General Assemblies of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) for the first time from December 5 to 8, as well as the FIA Prize-Giving Ceremony, a highly anticipated event in the world of motor sports.
Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2023
The ceremony for awarding the winners of the Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix was held.
V1 Challenge Baku Cup
On November 27, a race and drift show from the V1 Challenge series, one of the most popular motor racing events, was held on the State Flag Square.
Jury chooses the pilot to represent Azerbaijan in the world final of drifting competition
The national finals of the Red Bull Car Park Drift Championship, the most exciting drift series in the world held in Baku for the first time with the organizational support of the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and the Baku City Circuit Operations...
Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2022
The Azerbaijan F1 Grand Prix in Baku ended on June 12 with the victory of Max Verstappen, the Dutch pilot of the "Red Bull Racing" team. The second place went to his teammate S. Perez from Mexico. The British driver of the "Mercedes" team George Russ...
Classic Car Parade 2022
On May 29, the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation (AAF) once again organized a parade and an exhibition of classic cars.
Baku Drift Cup 2021
The Baku Drift Cup tournament, organized by the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and the Aquatics Palace of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan took place on November 20. The race was full of exciting moments.
Subaru Sprint 2021
Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and Subaru Club Azerbaijan organized the "Time Attack" autumn cup competition among Subaru vehicles on October 17, 2021. The competition was held at the “Test and Training Azerbaijan" Driver Training Center in Hovsan...
Həyat dolu küçələr #Love30 #SürətiAzalt
Azərbaycan Avtomobil Federasiyası, "Regional İnkişaf" İctimai Birliyi, Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyivə və Media Təhlil Mərkəzi BMT tərəfindən keçirilən 6-cı Qlobal Yol Təhlükəsizliyi Həftəsi çərçivəsində yaşayış ərazilərdə, nəqliyyatın sıx...
Tarixə Dörd Çarxla
Azərbaycan Avtomobil Federasiyasının dəstəyi ilə ümumdünya nəqliyyat vasitələrinə aid “Tarixə Dörd Çarxla” adlı kitab nəşr olunub
Milli Orduya dəstək
Azərbaycan Avtomobil Federasiyası Milli Orduya dəstək olaraq “Pikap” tipli avtomobillər təqdim edib
#3500Həyat (#3500Lives) Kampaniyası
Azərbaycan Avtomobil Federasiyası artıq 3-cü ildir ki, Beynəlxalq Avtomobil Federasiyası ilə birlikdə, şəhərimizin küçələrində #3500Həyat layihəsini (kampaniyasını) həyata keçirir.
Dövlət Bayrağı Gününə həsr edilmiş “Offroad” yürüşü keçirilib.
Azərbaycan Avtomobil Federasiyası və “Regional İnkişaf” İctimai Birliyinin birgə təşkilatçılığı ilə 9 noyabr - Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət Bayrağı Gününə həsr edilmiş Bakı – Tərtər marşrutu üzrə “Offroad” yürüşü keçirilib.
Kartinq üzrə çempion təmsilçimiz Cəmil Həsənli Rocers
<p>Cəmil Həsənli Rocers bu yarışda iştirak edən ilk Azərbaycanlı gənc pilotdur. 2019-cu ildə keçirilən SuperOne Kartinq yarışları Ingiltərənin Silverstone yarış halqasında baş tutub.</p>

2018 Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix
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AAF hosted first "V1 Challange 2016" Azerbaijan championship
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A great festival and concert was held in the park of the Heydar Aliyev Center
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An "Offroad" tour was held in Gabala under the organization of the AAF
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"Classic car exhibition" was opened at the Heydar Aliyev Center
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